At Vote For Freedom we work to support the bedrock of a healthy democracy - an empowered and informed electorate.
What We Do
At Vote for Freedom, we believe that every voter has the right to reliable, accurate information.
VFF is dedicated to protecting the online and offline information environment in order to safeguard democratic freedoms and the integrity of elections globally. A healthy information environment is essential to the functioning of a democracy. It ensures that citizens have access to accurate, reliable information, can engage in open and robust debate, and hold those in positions of power accountable for their actions. Dictatorial leaders seek to undermine a healthy information environment in order to consolidate their power and control the narrative. This leads to a lack of accountability, a breakdown of trust in public institutions, and, ultimately, the erosion of democracy itself.
We support and champion media literacy education
We provide capacity for electoral campaigns and activists to combat disinformation
We advocate for tech regulation that supports a healthy information environment
We shine a light on information threats to elections and democratic freedoms